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Haunted Hayride

Shared in the Corn Maze

Author: Kiley Kain

Series: All For Her


Publication Date: October 29, 2020

Format: Kindle Ebook

Word Count: 10,893
Estimated Pages: 47

Themes: Ganged, Holidays, Many Partners, Older Man, Outdoor Sex, Strangers

One shy, beautiful college sophomore.
One dark, haunted corn maze bursting with older men.
One wild, raw, forbidden night of pleasure.

Melina is not a big fan of Halloween, but when the dreamy guy she’s been lusting after all semester asks her to help out at a friend’s haunted farm, she’s quick to agree. Things get weird when she finds the scandalous outfit she’s expected to wear, little more than a few scraps of fabric.

Her crush, Easton, takes her out into the corn and quickly shows her that the attraction is an explosive two-way street. Then another man comes along. And another. Things happen, right? Melina learns that the fires burning inside her can’t be contained any longer.

When the final hayride arrives to pick her up, she finds six strangers, all wearing Halloween masks, seated in the back. She turns out to know one of them, and before she knows it, she’s taking on the whole group.

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